Friday, December 31, 2010


It is now 2011..byk perkara yg jadi time 2010..suka duka pahit manis masam masin sume adlaaa...
no words can describe it..ada perkara yg brlaku yg saya harap sgt ia xkan berlaku..tapi ape nk buat kan..benda da jadi da pun..ape2 hal pun saya berharap agar saya menjadi insan y lebih baek compare to 2010..yelaaa..beselaa tu org azam nk jadi baek kan..XD
for all my friends yg byk menyokong saya..berada di sisi saya through thick and thin..saya ucapkn a lot of thanks to you guys...especially AHMAD RIDZWAN..he knows me better..the best friend eva..epin too..tapi dy jao kan..soo susalaa nk dekat slalu.. usual..saya semakin gemok in year 2010 compare to 2009..soooo azam 2011 is to reduce my weight until it reach 48..i know it ain't that easy..but the good thing is we try it first right??
and last but not the person that i love the most..that knows lots of things bout me..thanks for being supportive and thanks cause stick together with me even though saya harsh towards him...I LOVE YOU BABE..
thats all i think...XOXO..